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Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Amie Byrd uses the image of yellow wallpaper, an image in a 19th Century novella by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, where yellow wallpaper was trapping a woman and her gifts as a metaphor in her wonderfully titled Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. The culture created and propagated by the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, she argues, is not a helpful model for today's Christians. The only true model is Jesus....

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How I Changed My Mind About Women in Leadership

Alan F. Johnson’s compilation of narratives entitled How I Changed My Mind About Women in Leadership: Compelling Stories from Prominent Evangelicals is a particularly fresh, honest, and persuasive resource in the growing collection of books on gender equality and women in leadership. The recognizable evangelicals in this book speak humbly and clearly about how their theological convictions and understanding of Scripture, with reference to women in leadership, were transformed through personal experience. While maintaining a high view of the authority...

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The Gospel According to Eve: A History of Women’s Interpretation

by Amanda Benckhuysen What does it mean to be male and female? Do women and men have different intellectual, spiritual, moral, or emotional capacities? Are women especially suited for serving and men for leading? Are women and men equal? While these may seem like relatively recent questions, they have been a topic of conversation throughout Christian history. At the center of this conversation is the biblical character Eve, the archetypal woman of Genesis 1-3. Not simply one woman among many, Eve comes...

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