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Bible Teaching

Reading the Bible as a Woman

By Denise Cooper-Clarke This was the title I was given, but it is one I am uneasy with, for two reasons. First, it implies that women are a separate category of reader from the normative reader, who is, of course a man. It is not helpful to think of a woman’s perspective as if this were distinct from an “objective” perspective (understood as a male perspective). This is to assume the priority of the male. Was any man ever invited to...

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The Gospel According to Eve

The Gospel According to Eve:  A History of Women’s InterpretationIVP Academic (29 October 2019) by Amanda Benckhuysen                   Reviewed by Barbara Deutschmann We often hear that the push for women’s inclusion in all aspects of church ministry is a response to modern “feminism”. This book puts paid to that notion. Amanda Benckhuysen has researched the many women from the Middle Ages to the present day who found in the first few chapters of Genesis inspiration and resources for countering patriarchy. They had...

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Kevin Giles Responds to Dr Lionel Windsor.

Kevin Giles first reply to Lionel Windsor. I am delighted that a Moore College lecturer, Dr Lionel J. Windsor, is critically reading my last book, What the Bible Actually Teaches About Women (Or: Cascade, 2018).  I always write to encourage open debate and discussion. In addition, I am very appreciative of the fact that Lionel wrote to me first to express his concerns and criticisms, mainly on my translation of Genesis 1:27, and in his blog I am now answering he...

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Book Review: What the Bible Actually Teaches on Women

What the Bible Actually Teaches on WomenKevin Giles, Cascade, 2018 Kevin Giles delights in Australia and its ideal of being an egalitarian nation. This ideal is not always present and for Kevin the subordination of women, as taught in certain Christian communities in Australia, is one such exception.  A deeply offensive one. The teaching of the subordination of women upsets Kevin Giles deeply. He has advocated for equality between men and women for over 40 years. He has preached, spoken at conferences...

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Genesis 1-3 and the relationship of the sexes

Kevin Giles The most important text on the relationship of the sexes in the whole Bible, Genesis 1-3. In discussing what the Bible teaches on men and women no text in the whole Bible is more important than Genesis chapters 1–3. Here God creates man and woman as the apex of his creative work and sets them in an idyllic world where everything is good. Tragically, however, the devil enters and both the man and the woman fall into sin and as...

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