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An Egalitarian Marriage

By Julie-Anne Laird One morning, 19 years ago, I frantically rang Andrew as I stepped out of the lift at Latrobe Uni. “Andrew, are you still here? I think the baby’s coming.” Andrew had driven me to work that day, as I was 40 weeks pregnant with our 4th child (although not sure why I went to work!!). We both worked for Latrobe Christian Union. I worked one day a week and Andrew 4 days and this was my day to...

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Welcoming the Stranger…’ Afghan asylum seeker welcomed by Naomi Chua

Naomi Chua I currently have the privilege of serving as team leader for Pioneers Refugee and Asylum seeker ministry here in Victoria. I am passionate about working amongst the vulnerable and displaced and am especially committed to empowering women to embrace their roles as change makers in their communities. I have worked amongst refugees and asylum seekers for the past 20 years here in Melbourne in a local church outreach setting and for a mission organisation. I also spent several years...

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Reading the Bible as a Woman

By Denise Cooper-Clarke This was the title I was given, but it is one I am uneasy with, for two reasons. First, it implies that women are a separate category of reader from the normative reader, who is, of course a man. It is not helpful to think of a woman’s perspective as if this were distinct from an “objective” perspective (understood as a male perspective). This is to assume the priority of the male. Was any man ever invited to...

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Meet Bessie Harrison-Lee

By Dr Barbara Deutchmann Meet Bessie Harrison-Lee Let me introduce you to Bessie Harrison-Lee and her world. It's a bit of a stretch, thinking we can imagine her world from this distance in time and it is always a temptation to make it fit our labels and our views. Still, there are things for us to learn even if there are things about Bessie (and I hope she would not mind that I call her by that name) that make...

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Dying for love

It is International Women’s Day on March 8th. Has anything changed for women since last year’s International Women’s Day? I ask this question because we Australians are reeling under the shock of the horrific murder of Hannah Clarke (31) and her three young children, Aaliyah (6) Laianah (4), and Trey (3). They were killed by her husband and the children’s father, Rowan Baxter. He doused them with petrol and set them alight in the family car. They appeared to the...

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9 Ridiculously Practical Ways for Male Leaders to Empower Female Leaders in the Church

From CBE International: There are many male leaders in the church who want to empower women leaders, but they’re stuck. They want to empower, but don’t know how to go about doing it. As a male leader, I have a strong conviction of the need to empower women in their God-given talents, passions, and leadership. From CBE International: T...

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Abuse: The Elephant in the Sanctuary

From the very beginning Christians for Biblical Equality (CBE) has endeavored to understand why so many Christian women have encountered abuse, and how the church might become agents of healing and reconciliation. Catherine Clark Kroeger, CBE founder and president emerita, vigorously addressed the challenge of abuse which she encountered early on. As president of CBE, Cathie directed a significant portion of CBE's energies to this challenge. In 1994, CBE held a conference themed "Women, Abuse, and the Bible." We were...

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Global Perspectives on Women in Leadership

A paper presented by Mimi Haddad to a meeting of Anglican Curates, Melbourne, Australia June 2010 Plato said ideas rule the world. All action begins as an idea. Paul said, “Take every thought captive to Christ (2 Cor 10:5).” Why? Because ideas have consequences. Here is an important example: The most prominent indicator of whether a girl will be sold to a brothel, killed as a fetus, abused in her marriage or family, or denied a place of decision making in her country,...

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