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Women in Church History

The Gospel According to Eve

The Gospel According to Eve:  A History of Women’s InterpretationIVP Academic (29 October 2019) by Amanda Benckhuysen                   Reviewed by Barbara Deutschmann We often hear that the push for women’s inclusion in all aspects of church ministry is a response to modern “feminism”. This book puts paid to that notion. Amanda Benckhuysen has researched the many women from the Middle Ages to the present day who found in the first few chapters of Genesis inspiration and resources for countering patriarchy. They had...

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Meet Bessie Harrison-Lee

By Dr Barbara Deutchmann Meet Bessie Harrison-Lee Let me introduce you to Bessie Harrison-Lee and her world. It's a bit of a stretch, thinking we can imagine her world from this distance in time and it is always a temptation to make it fit our labels and our views. Still, there are things for us to learn even if there are things about Bessie (and I hope she would not mind that I call her by that name) that make...

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Book review: “Women, Leadership & the Church”

"Women, Leadership & the Church" Jim Reiher (Acorn Press 2006) The Appellate Tribunal has removed the barriers to the ordination of women as diocesan bishops – but, if we are to believe Archbishop Peter Jensen, many evangelical Christians in Sydney are disappointed. Should they be? Are Australian Anglicans departing from Scripture's teaching on authority in the church? Well, Jim Reiher has done a great job and given us a concise (121 pages), easily readable exploration of the Scriptures and what they...

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